3rd Partnership Meeting
Milan, 7th February 2019
The 3rd partnership meeting took place in Milan, Italy on the 7th of February.
ENOROS presented the transnational workshops report for the three workshops organized so far. The objectives, methodology, indicators, lessons learnt and the way forward were presented.
All partners will send to APHVF a method or a program according to their country’s expertise (also presented during a transnational workshop) in order to complete the transnational workshop materials. Partners shall translate the method or program in English language.
The structured template was created and sent to all participating organisations, with the aim to collect information of the therapeutic programs offered by the partner organisation to victims and/or perpetrators of violence in order to develop new intervention methods for victims of GBV and perpetrators treatment programs. This template includes assessment, support and protection.
Cooperation Protocol: instead of the creation of a new Protocol it was suggested to use the existing Protocol with some recommended corrections.
The tools created for this project for dissemination purposes is the STEP4GBV Facebook page, a dedicated section on the coordinators’ website as well as the existing Facebook pages and websites of all partners. Moreover, Google docs are used at which all partners have access and shall upload all presentations, materials etc. for easy access and coordination.