Press release No.: 2
Date: 4. 9. 2019
Subject: Project Step4GBV – Support, training, exchange practices for Gender-Based Violence (GBV)
The last phase of the European project STEP4GBV which focuses on support, training and sharing experiences in the area of Gender-based Violence (GBV), starts in September 2019. Several European countries are involved in the project. The project is co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020). The main aim of the project is to increase the competencies of professionals via capacity building activities by developing and testing new intervention methods used for supporting GBV victims and perpetrators.
Apart from developing and testing new intervention methods, the project aims to improve competencies of professionals through exchanging experiences among professionals of partner organizations.
The implementation of intervention methods will be launched by STEP4GBV project partners in September 2019. Organizations from Cyprus (APHVF – Programs for women and children at the association´s shelters), Italy (Salvammame – the ‘Safety luggage’, CIPM – Programs for sex offenders, Support & accountability), Bulgaria (Demetra Association – Rehabilitation program for victims, Perpetrator´s program and Community coordination) and the Czech Republic (SOS center Diaconia ČCE – SKP v Praze) are involved in testing new intervention methods.
All information will be used for development of professional work. Demetra Association provided a structured template to collect information about therapeutic programmes, which can be further used for work with victims or perpetrators of domestic violence. This template consists of three parts: assessment, support and protection. He success rate of the implementation is assessed both by the professionals and their clients using pre- and post- questionnaires, which were developed especially for this purpose.
„I believe that practices adopted from our foreign colleagues help improve the quality of our work“
PhDr. Anna Stodolová, head of the SOS center.
- STEP4GBV project started in January 2018 and ends on December 2019. The coordinator of the project is the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (APHVF) in Cyprus and the partners are Enoros consuling Ltd in Cyprus, Centro Italiano per la Promozione della Mediazione in Italy, Cyprus police in Cyprus, Diaconia of the ECCB The Centre of Christian help in Prague in Czech Republic, Ass. I Diritti Civili nel 2000-Salvabebè/Salvamamme in Italy and Association Demetra in Bulgary.
- More information and updates of the project can be found at: & FB:
- To download the press release, click here: 2_press_release_Step4GBV_web