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ΣυΝΚ – Cyprus Youth Council

Cyprus Youth Council seeks to act as a platform of exchange and communication between all youth NGOs in Cyprus and the development of a European consciousness based on understanding of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout Cyprus.Therefore the CYC organizes events, seminars, workshops and activities that provide the necessary space for its members to exchange good practices, interests and experience on any youth related topic. The CYC also acts as a platform for its members for participating in European projects. The CYC is also the main stakeholder in the Structured Dialogue that seeks to promote the political participation of all Cyprus youth. The process also allows youth to voice their opinions and concerns on a chosen topic every 6 months. Moreover, Cyprus Youth Council voices the concerns of youth NGOs including lobbying to policy makers for a number of youth related issues (e.g. youth unemployment, validation of non-formal education etc.)

SPAVO is a full NGO member of the Cyprus Youth Council. SPAVO participates in events organized by the CYC and has the right to vote for the Executive Secretariat.

For more information: