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Circle of Change: Preventing and combating violence against women and girls through gender equality awareness

The two-year program Circle of Change (#CircleOfChange) is a European funded program (Apr. 2017 – Mar. 2019) with the Cyprus Police as the coordinating body and partners the Association for the Prevention and Treatment of Violence in the Family (SPAVO), the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS – Cyprus), and Enoros Consulting Ltd (Cyprus). Through a holistic approach that takes into account all the actors and population groups involved, the program aims to change attitudes and perceptions about violence against women by carrying out prevention, education and information actions. Specifically, the objectives of the program concern a) the creation of a training program for the capacity building of front-line professionals, b) the information and awareness of teenagers and teachers, and c) the awareness of the public and especially women about their rights and victim support services available. Evaluation of the program’s impact will measure changes in participants’ perceptions and attitudes.

Follow the program on Facebook and Twitter.