The STEP4GBV is a European funded program which operates under the Association for the Prevention and Handling of the Violence in the Family as a project coordinator and ENOROS, Cyprus Police, Centro Italiano per la Promozione della Mediazone (Italy), Diaconia of the ECCB The Centre of Christian help in Prague (Czech Republic), Ass, I Diritti Civili nel 2000-Salvabebe/Salvamamme (Italy), Association Demetra (Bulgaria). The project aims to upgrade the competencies of professionals via capacity building activities so as to better meet the needs of Gender Based Violence victims and treat perpetrators. Another aim is to develop and test new intervention methods package tools through mutual learning and evaluating their utilized methods of supporting victims of GBV and of perpetrators’ treatment. Project activities will result in: improved quality of services provided from professionals when dealing with victims of GBV; enhanced knowledge; ensured access to justice and information provided to all victims; strengthened cooperation between all actors operating in the field (Cooperation Protocol) and good practices will be exchanged. The above will result in the overall improvement of victim support systems, in parallel of enhancing the professionals work.