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WAKE – Working Along Key Experts

WAKE – Working Along Key Experts program is a 2-year European Program (Nov. 2015- Apr. 2017) operated under the coordination of  the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO) with Cyprus Red Cross, the Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV – Portugal), the Association for battered and Sexual Abused Women (ADAVAS-Spain) and the Enoros Consulting Ltd (Cyprus) as partners. In addition the program was supported from several public, specifically from: the Ministry of Justice and Public Order, the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance and the Ministry of Education and Culture. The program aimed at exchanging best practices between professionals, improving quality of services for victims of violence, enhancing skills and knowledge in professionals dealing with victims, ensuring access to justice and information provided to the public and strengthening collaboration between all actors involved. Moreover, WAKE program included research and educational activities for professionals and a tool development for victim identification which is available on Play Store (for android) and App Store (for iOS).

Useful link: