Pancyprian Volunteerism Coordinative Council

The Pancyprian’s Volunteerism Coordinative Council goal is coordination amongst the voluntary organizations, developing policies for the voluntary sector, providing social policy consultation with the voluntary sector and cooperation with governmental authorities. The Pancyprian’s Volunteerism Coordinative Counsil provides the following services: The ‘Assembly of the Civil Society’ is a Forum that...

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ΣυΝΚ – Cyprus Youth Council

Cyprus Youth Council seeks to act as a platform of exchange and communication between all youth NGOs in Cyprus and the development of a European consciousness based on understanding of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout Cyprus.Therefore the CYC organizes events, seminars, workshops and activities that provide the...

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Advisory Comittee for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family

The Advisory Committee for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family aims to best implement the law for Domestic Violence, in collaboration with the relevant governmental and voluntary bodies, in order to achieve as soon as possible a comprehensive prevention and complete eradication of violence in the family. The work...

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Council of the National Strategy for Handling Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of the Children and Child Pornography

The Council of the National Strategy for Handling Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children and Child Pornography is responsible to monitor and evaluate the National Strategy implementation, to provide support to stakeholders and to plan and design specific actions. SPAVO is been included in the represented organizations of the council...

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European Women’s Lobby (EWL)

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) was founded in 1990 and is the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the European Union (EU), working to promote women’s rights and equality between women and men. The Cyprus Women’s Lobby was  represented by a Spavo Office, at the EWL Observatory on Violence against...

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Circle of Change: Preventing and combating violence against women and girls through gender equality awareness

The two-year program Circle of Change (#CircleOfChange) is a European funded program (Apr. 2017 – Mar. 2019) with the Cyprus Police as the coordinating body and partners the Association for the Prevention and Treatment of Violence in the Family (SPAVO), the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS – Cyprus), and...

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WAKE – Working Along Key Experts

WAKE – Working Along Key Experts program is a 2-year European Program (Nov. 2015- Apr. 2017) operated under the coordination of  the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO) with Cyprus Red Cross, the Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV – Portugal), the Association for...

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116 000 Mediation Service in Cyprus

The 116000: Mediation Service in Cyprus is a European funded program which operates under the Association for the Prevention and Handling of the Violence in the Family as a project coordinator and Hope for Children as partner. The overall objective of the proposed project is the establishment and effective operation...

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STEP4GBV – Support, training, exchange practices for Gender-Based Violence

The STEP4GBV is a European funded program which operates under the Association for the Prevention and Handling of the Violence in the Family as a project coordinator and ENOROS, Cyprus Police, Centro Italiano per la Promozione della Mediazone (Italy), Diaconia of the ECCB The Centre of Christian help in Prague...

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SAFER – Systematic Approaches For Equality of gendeR

The two year program SAFER is a European Funded Program where the Association for the Prevention and Handling of the Violence in the Family (SPAVO) acts as a project coordinator with the VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS (Lithuania), Profexcel.Net Ltd (Ireland), Neophytos CH. Charalambous (Institute of Development) Ltd (Cyprus), CESIE (Italy), GRANTXPERT CONSULTING...

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